[P] Comparing 7 Deep Dependency parsing models using Tensorflow
Trained on CONLL English Dependency, https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_English-EWT. Train set to train, dev and test sets to test.
Stackpointer and Biaffine-attention originally from https://github.com/XuezheMax/NeuroNLP2 written in Pytorch.
Accuracy based on arc, types and root accuracies after 15 epochs only.
- Bidirectional RNN + CRF + Biaffine, arc accuracy 70.48%, types accuracy 65.18%, root accuracy 66.4%
- Bidirectional RNN + Bahdanau + CRF + Biaffine, arc accuracy 70.82%, types accuracy 65.33%, root accuracy 66.77%
- Bidirectional RNN + Luong + CRF + Biaffine, arc accuracy 71.22%, types accuracy 65.73%, root accuracy 67.23%
- BERT Base + CRF + Biaffine, arc accuracy 64.30%, types accuracy 62.89%, root accuracy 74.19%
- Bidirectional RNN + Biaffine Attention + Cross Entropy, arc accuracy 72.42%, types accuracy 63.53%, root accuracy 68.51%
- BERT Base + Biaffine Attention + Cross Entropy, arc accuracy 72.85%, types accuracy 67.11%, root accuracy 73.93%
- Bidirectional RNN + Stackpointer, arc accuracy 61.88%, types accuracy 48.20%, root accuracy 89.39%
Link to repository, https://github.com/huseinzol05/NLP-Models-Tensorflow#dependency-parser
- Based on 15 epochs only.
- No dropout here, feel free to do it.
- BERT cannot implemented in Stackpointer model, stack pointer model required each decoder step.
submitted by /u/huseinzol05
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