[D] What is the state-of-the-art implementation for style transfer?
Hello, I’m having a hard time finding an implementation of style transfer that would work as well as an example like this : Style transfer that works well See how the details of the wave are well transferred to the hair and beard? I’m looking for an implementation of style transfer that is able to do this type of detail. I have not been lucky in finding a style transfer algorithm that works like this. For instance a well cited paper like AdaIn style transfer typically yields something like this (see github implementation): Style transfer that does not work that well What I’m not looking for is this type of style transfer that only changes the colors and roughly the shapes of the image content. But in the end we cannot really find the “identity” of the style image (pencil drawing). I suspect that the first image with pewdiepie might have used photoshop in some ways… But if you guys think it’s possible to have this type of output using only style transfer I would really like a bit of help here. Thanks! submitted by /u/DependentSky6 |