[R] AllenNLP interpret: EMNLP Best Demo Paper Award
AllenNLP has won the EMNLP 2019 Best Demo Paper Award:
From their website:
We present AllenNLP Interpret, a toolkit built on top of AllenNLP for interactive model interpretations. The toolkit makes it easy to apply gradient-based saliency maps and adversarial attacks to new models, as well as develop new interpretation methods. AllenNLP interpret contains three components: a suite of interpretation techniques applicable to most models, APIs for developing new interpretation methods (e.g., APIs to obtain input gradients), and reusable front-end components for visualizing the interpretation results.
For people doing NLP: do you feel this is going to be useful to you? If so, in which contexts?
(Disclaimer: I’m not associated with this project in any way – just curious on how to best use it)
submitted by /u/rstoj
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