Visa, Inc. Data Science Interviews
Visa Data Science Interviews
In 2018, Visa had $20.61 billion in revenue.
In 2015, the Nilson Report, a publication that tracks the credit card industry, found that Visa’s global network (known as VisaNet) processed 100 billion transactions during 2014 with a total volume of US$6.8 trillion. VisaNet data centers can handle up to 30,000 simultaneous transactions and up to 100 billion computations every second. Visa is a very household name all over the world. If you ever owned a credit card, you will surely know what Visa is. With a 100 billion transactions, the scale of data in the company is beyond compare. It could be a highlight of a Data professionals’ career.
Interview Process
A senior data scientist from the team reaches out for the first telephonic interview after the resume is selected. The interview involves resume based questions, SQL, and or a business case study. After the first round, there is another telephonic technical interview. Eventually, there are five on-site interviews. On-site interviews are with top level personnel, directors and VPs. Each of those interviews is 45 minutes long.
Important Reading
- Data Science at Visa — Youtube
- A Chat With Amitava Dutta Of Visa — Blog article
- Docker at Visa — Dockerconf 2017
Data Science Related Interview Questions
- Invert an integer without the use of strings.
- Write a sorting algorithm.
- How do you estimate a customer’s location based on Visa transaction data?
- Write a code for a Fibonacci sequence.
- What functions can I perform using a spreadsheet?
- Who would be your first line of contact to report a missing data you’re keeping record of?
- Give the top three employee salaries in each department in a company.
- What is Node.js?
- What is MVC?
- What is synchronous vs asynchronous Javascript?
Reflecting on the Interviews
The data science interview at Visa, Inc. is a rigorous process which involves many different interviews. The team is top notch and they are looking for similar candidates to hire. Most interviews look for fundamentals in SQL, coding, probability and statistics as well as ML. A decent amount of hard work can surely get you a job with the world’s largest credit transaction processing company!
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The sole motivation of this blog article is to learn about Visa Inc. and its technologies and help people to get into it. All data is sourced from online public sources. I aim to make this a living document, so any updates and suggested changes can always be included. Please provide relevant feedback.
Visa, Inc. Data Science Interviews was originally published in Acing AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.