[D] XGBoost doesnt follow the others models
Hello everyone, I trained my data by different techniques: dimensional analysis (DA), support vector machine (SVM), multi-layer perceptron neural network (ANN) and XGBoost (XGB).The lowest RMSE achieved in the testset was by XGB. However when I tried some combinations of input data the curve was different from other models. For example: https://i.redd.it/ol6azkkrggd31.png This phenomenon is theoretically expressed as a power of type y(x) = a * x ^ b. What are the possible causes for the model curve predicted by XGB not to follow the other models? Assumptions: (i) unbalanced continuous data of x or even y (target)? Histogram in https://i.imgur.com/EGg8eNN.png (ii) hyperparameters (a good mapping of max_depth, min_child_weight, gamma, eta and adding regularizer parameters was tested) (iii) nature of decision tree conditions Is there a way I can better generalize (as a post-prune) my model to fit it? Many thanks! submitted by /u/drainbamagex |