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Hey, for an application I’m making I want to find the similarity between how two letters look.
For example, o and O have a high similarity but o and K do not.
Can someone guide me on what sort of techniques I would use (not necessarily ML, but this sounds like a DL task) in order to find a similarity between the look of two characters? It could be any character in any language that’s why I can’t just do it manually.
My proposed algorithm is as follows: 1. Accept 2 letters as argument 2. Generate same size image with same sized characters placed in them 3. Compute the similarity between the two images somehow 4. Get result
How would I do step 3? Any guidelines are appreciated. I’m currently looking into HOG classifiers, any other information is appreciated.
EDIT: My idea right now is to extract key features using algorithms like SURF, ORB etc (find the best one) and then compare 2 images them using cosine similarity between the two feature vectors. Would this work?
submitted by /u/bigDATAbig
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