[Discussion] What is the state-of-the-art for entity extraction and relation extraction?
I am looking for the state-of-the-art entity extraction/relation extraction algorithms that are practical to implement and use for commercial information extraction. An example:
“Mr. Wilken is the CEO of Foobar, inc. “
Entities are Mr. Wilken, CEO, Foobar, inc. Mr. Wilken’s title is CEO. Mr. Wilken works at Foobar, Inc (transitively he is then the CEO of Foobar, Inc.).
In my experience I’ve used CRF used hand crafted features for entity tagging followed by a classifier to determine relations between entities use hand crafted features. This is a pretty old school approach and does not leverage any of the advances in word embeddings (Glove, BERT, etc.). I know there are also methods for doing joint entity + relation extraction.
There are dozens of papers on Google scholar, and I’m not sure which ones would be worth implementing. I’m looking for recommendations of recent papers to read that would get me started.
submitted by /u/Tash_is_Aslan
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