Goldman Sachs Data Science Interviews
Goldman Sachs did net revenue of 35.94 billion dollars in 2018.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and individuals. Goldman Sachs makes key decisions by taking a calculated risk, based on data and evidence. As a Data Science practitioner, your analysis might have first hand impact to make millions of dollars. The FAST (Franchise Analytics Strategy and Technology) team at Goldman Sachs is a group of data scientists and engineers who are responsible for generating insights and creating products that turn big data into easily digestible takeaways. In essence, the FAST team is comprised of data experts who help other professionals at Goldman Sachs act on relevant insights.

Interview Process
The first step is the phone screen with hiring manager person. There is usually a hackerank/coderpad coding assignment involved for an ML/Data Engineer type of role. If that goes well, there is an onsite interview. The onsite interview is usually 4–6 people deep dive into analysis, probability and stats, coding and data science concepts.
Important Reading
- The Data Lake: Data Lake Infographic
- Github: Goldman Sachs Public Repo
- Talks at GS: Eric Schmidt- The AI revolution
Data Science Related Interview Questions
- Design a random number generator.
- How to treat missing and null values in a dataset?
- Given N noodles in a bowl and randomly attaching ends. What is the expected number of loops you will have in the end?
- How to remove duplicates without distinct from a database table?
- When is value at risk inappropriate?
- What is the Wiener process?
- A = [-2 -1] [9 4]. What is A¹⁰⁰⁰?
- Write an algorithm for a tree traversal.
- Write a program for Levenshtein Distance calculation.
- Count the total number of trees in the states.
Reflecting on the Questions
GS is one of the best places to work for because they really take care of their people. The questions reflect a mix of puzzles and analysis based questions which form the basis of financial investments in general. Thinking on your feet is very important as puzzles can get complicated. A great presence of mind and ample preparation can surely land you a job with one of the most prestigious investment banks in the world!
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