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After Faces in the Wild, some researchers published ‘Primate Face Identification in the Wild’.
They share 3 datasets:
-Rhesus Macaque Dataset (7679 images of 93 individuals)
-Chimpanzee Dataset C-ZOO (2109 images for 24 identities) of better quality that the following one
-Chimpanzee Dataset C-Tai (5057 images for 66 identities)
The TL;DR of what they say:
We developed a novel face identification approach that is capable of learningpose invariant features, thus allowing to generalize well across poses without the re-quirement of a face alignment step. Additionally, the proposed approach leverages thepairwise constraints to capture underlying data semantics enabling it to perform effec-tively for unseen classes
submitted by /u/YaYaBFr
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