[News] MLPerf Training v0.6 results released
Press release: https://mlperf.org/press#mlperf-training-v0.6-results
Results page: https://mlperf.org/training-results-0-6
Superficial analysis: Results come from Google’s TPUs and NVIDIA GPUs for ResNet50, SSD w/ ResNet-34, Mask-R-CNN, NMT, and Transformer. Intel and Nvidia submitted results for the “Mini Go” reinforcement learning task, including a result from the upcoming Cascade Lake 9282. Alibaba also submitted a result in the “Research” category for ResNet-50 with custom software on 64 Tesla V100s.
I don’t feel qualified to do detailed analysis of these results; looking forward to what people can see in these.
submitted by /u/riking27
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