[P] AI Benchmark: A New Standard for ML Performance Assessment of CPUs, GPUs and TPUs
AI Benchmark is an open source python library for evaluating AI performance of various hardware platforms, including CPUs, GPUs and TPUs. The benchmark is relying on TensorFlow machine learning library, and is providing a lightweight solution for assessing inference and training speed for key Deep Learning models, including:
- MobileNet-V2
- Inception-V3
- Inception-V4
- Inception-ResNet-V2
- ResNet-V2-50
- ResNet-V2-152
- VGG-16
- SRCNN 9-5-5
- VGG-19
- ResNet-SRGAN
- ResNet-DPED
- U-Net
- Nvidia-SPADE
- ICNet
- PSPNet
- DeepLab
- Pixel-RNN
It is currently distributed as a Python pip package, installation instructions can be found at http://ai-benchmark.com/alpha.html and https://pypi.org/project/ai-benchmark/
Note: Fast installation [if TensorFlow is already installed]:
pip install ai-benchmark
- Run benchmark using the following python code:
from ai_benchmark import AIBenchmark
results = AIBenchmark().run()
A detailed information about test setups: http://ai-benchmark.com/ranking_cpus_and_gpus_detailed.html
A short preliminary ranking is available here: http://ai-benchmark.com/ranking_cpus_and_gpus.html
A global ranking with the results of various hardware and software platforms, drivers / configs and TF builds should be available soon. Original post: http://ai-benchmark.com/alpha.html
submitted by /u/aiff22
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