[D] In light of Strubell et al (2019) paper on carbon emissions, what can we do as a community
Hey folks – long time lurker here. I’ve been following Strubell et al’s paper which was some pretty decent research showing that complex neural models like BERT and neural architecture search approaches are pretty energy intensive and the mainstream media reaction which seems to have been along the lines of “ALL AI MODELS EVAR GIVE OFF MORE CO2 THAN A CAR. BAN AI RESEARCH!”
I wrote a blog post proposing some steps that data scientists in industry could take to reduce carbon footprint and also as a barometer of interest in either a) making the reporting of energy consumption standard at ML conferences or b) a conference venue for “energy efficient” ML model submissions.
inb4 I get downvoted to hell for self-promotion of my blog post.
submitted by /u/jamesravey
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