[N] Pretty 2019 CVPR Papers: https://mattdeitke.github.io/CVPR-2019/
Hello, everyone! I made a page that displays the 2019 CVPR Accepted Papers, in a way that is more parsable and easier to sort through. The primary page display is below, which loads in the 1294 accepted papers for this year. In particular, you can easily access the PDFs, view glimpses of the paper through the thumbnail, sort by LDA topics, sort by similar papers, copy and display the BibTeX, and show (or hide) each abstract and LDA topics. The page is available at https://mattdeitke.github.io/CVPR-2019/. Display of the page for 2019 CVPR Accepted Papers This is in comparison to what CVPR Open Access adds to their website for the published papers, which is shown below. How CVPR displays their papers on the website I’ve also open sourced the scripts used to generate this page, many of which are thanks to Andrej Karpathy’s NeurIPS guide and ArXiV Sanity Preserver, on my GitHub page at https://github.com/mattdeitke/CVPR2019. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement! submitted by /u/mattdeitke |