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Are you looking to sponsor space, be a speaker, or volunteer, feel free to give us a shout. GitHub: Paper: Abstract: Recent methods generalize convolutional layers from Euclidean domains to graph-structured data by approximating the eigenbasis of the graph Laplacian. The computationally-efficient and broadly-used Graph ConvNet of Kipf & Welling, over-simplifies the approximation, effectively rendering graph convolution as a neighborhood-averaging operator. This simplification restricts the model from learning delta operators, the very premise of the graph Laplacian. In this work, we propose a new Graph Convolutional layer which mixes multiple powers of the adjacency matrix, allowing it to learn delta operators. Our layer exhibits the same memory footprint and computational complexity as a GCN. We illustrate the strength of our proposed layer on both synthetic graph datasets, and on several real-world citation graphs, setting the record state-of-the-art on Pubmed. submitted by /u/benitorosenberg |