[P] CppRl: A C++ reinforcement learning library using the new PyTorch C++ frontend
I’m really excited to show you guys what I’ve been working on lately: https://github.com/Omegastick/pytorch-cpp-rl It is very heavily based on Ikostrikov’s wonderful pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail. You could even consider this a port. The API and underlying algorithms are almost identical (with the necessary changes involved in the move to C++). It also contains a reimplementation simple OpenAI Gym server that communicates via ZeroMQ to test the framework on Gym environments. CppRl aims to be an extensible, reasonably optimized, production-ready framework for using reinforcement learning in projects where Python isn’t viable. It should be ready to use in desktop applications on user’s computers with minimal setup required on the user’s side. MotivationAt the time of writing, there are no general-use reinforcement learning frameworks for C++. I needed one for a personal project, and the PyTorch C++ frontend had recently been released, so I figured I should make one. Features
SampleProcessing gif r1w6ksghemr21… If you want to help with the project, please submit a PR! submitted by /u/Flag_Red |