[P] Comparing 50 models Neural Machine Translation using Tensorflow
Accuracy based on word position not included padding. 80% of the dataset to train, 20% of the dataset to test. Dataset is English-Vietnam, Trainset to train, validation and test set to test.
- basic-seq2seq, test accuracy 10.34%
- lstm-seq2seq, test accuracy 11.89%
- gru-seq2seq, test accuracy 11.50%
- basic-seq2seq-contrib-greedy, test accuracy 25.28%
- lstm-seq2seq-contrib-greedy, test accuracy 33.09%
- gru-seq2seq-contrib-greedy, test accuracy 31.28%
- basic-birnn-seq2seq, test accuracy 12.55%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq, test accuracy 12.11%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq, test accuracy 11.98%
- basic-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-greedy, test accuracy 27.50%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-greedy, test accuracy 34.25%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-greedy, test accuracy 32.58%
- basic-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 2.40%
- lstm-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 13.08%
- gru-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 7.35%
- basic-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 13.22%
- lstm-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 13.38%
- gru-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 14.02%
- basic-birnn-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 13.88%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 13.16%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-bahdanau, test accuracy 13.47%
- basic-birnn-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 7.49%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 13.27%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-luong, test accuracy 13.76%
- lstm-seq2seq-contrib-greedy-luong, test accuracy 45.52%
- gru-seq2seq-contrib-greedy-luong, test accuracy 8.14%
- lstm-seq2seq-contrib-greedy-bahdanau, test accuracy 43.88%
- gru-seq2seq-contrib-greedy-bahdanau, test accuracy 44.13%
- lstm-seq2seq-contrib-beam-bahdanau, test accuracy 24.49%
- gru-seq2seq-contrib-beam-bahdanau, test accuracy 22.26%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-beam-luong, test accuracy 24.15%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-beam-luong, test accuracy 22.32%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-luong-bahdanau-beam
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-contrib-luong-bahdanau-beam
- bytenet-greedy
- capsule-lstm-seq2seq-contrib-greedy
- capsule-gru-seq2seq-contrib-greedy
- dnc-seq2seq-bahdanau-greedy
- dnc-seq2seq-luong-greedy
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-beam-luongmonotic, test accuracy 27.23%
- lstm-birnn-seq2seq-beam-bahdanaumonotic, test accuracy 26.34%
- memory-network-lstm-seq2seq-contrib, test accuracy 28.02%
- attention-is-all-you-need-beam, test accuracy 37.80%
- conv-seq2seq, test accuracy 33.73%
- conv-encoder-lstm-decoder, test accuracy 32.91%
- dilated-conv-seq2seq, test accuracy 33.17%
- gru-birnn-seq2seq-greedy-residual, test accuracy 34.35%
- google-nmt, test accuracy 33.09%
- bert-multilanguage-transformer-decoder-beam, test accuracy 44.69%
- xlnet-base-transformer-decoder-beam, test accuracy 28.83%
Link to repository, https://github.com/huseinzol05/NLP-Models-Tensorflow/tree/master/neural-machine-translation
Link to dataset, https://github.com/stefan-it/nmt-en-vi#dataset
- Based on 20 epochs only.
- Accuracy based on word positions.
- Some results are empty because the models are slow to train, still waiting for the results.
- Sort from shortest length to longest length and do bucketing from it will improve the accuracy.
submitted by /u/huseinzol05
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